Distributed and Scalable Platform for Collaborative Analysis of Massive Time Series Data Sets - Ed Duarte

Full Stack Web App and Conference Paper

Distributed and Scalable Platform for Collaborative Analysis of Massive Time Series Data Sets

The recent expansion of metrification on a daily basis has led to the production of massive quantities of data, which in many cases correspond to time series. To streamline the discovery and sharing of meaningful information within time series, a multitude of analysis software tools were developed. However, these tools lack appropriate mechanisms to handle massive time series data sets and large quantities of simultaneous requests, as well as suitable visual representations for annotated data.

In this paper we propose a distributed, scalable, secure and high-performant architecture that allows a group of researchers to curate a mutual knowledge base deployed over a network and to annotate patterns while preventing data loss from overlapping contributions or unsanctioned changes. Analysts can share annotation projects with peers over a reactive web interface with a customizable workspace. Annotations can express meaning not only over a segment of time but also over a subset of the series that coexist in the same segment. In order to reduce visual clutter and improve readability, we propose a novel visual encoding where annotations are rendered as arcs traced only over the affected curves. The performance of the prototype under different architectural approaches was benchmarked.


This research paper was published in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, volume 1, pages 41-52. The full text can be read on SciTePress.

To cite this paper, you may use the following BibTex record:

  author = {Eduardo Duarte and Diogo Gomes and David Campos and Rui L. Aguiar},
  title = {Distributed and scalable platform for collaborative analysis of massive time series data sets},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications - Volume 1: DATA},
  pages = {41--52},
  year = {2019},
  publisher = {SciTePress},
  organization = {INSTICC},
  doi = {10.5220/0007834700410052},
  isbn = {978-989-758-377-3},


The paper described in this page was presented on the 27th of July 2019 at the DATA 2019: International Conference on Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems in Prague, Czech Republic. Below are the slides (with speaker notes) used for that presentation, which are also hosted on Notist.

Slide 1
Slide 2


  • metrification of devices;
    • e.g. wearable gadgets, real-time IoT sensors, Smart Home devices
  • annual data acquisition rate:
    • 2016 – 1.2 zb/y;
    • 2021 – 3.3 zb/y;
  • requirements for digital data processing and storage are increasing exponentially;
  • Volume, Variety and Velocity;
  • Value and Veracity.
  • In the last few years we have been in the presence of the phenomenon of increased metrification;
  • How to derive meaning from huge amounts of complex raw data while it continues to grow every day? The answer: collaborative (human or automated) analysis;
  • Analysis is more agile when done within a software solution, especially when collaborators work in a shared network, evolving a mutual knowledgebase without physical presence.
Slide 3

Introduction: Time series analysis

  • some metrics only have meaning when observed as a pattern over time;
  • time series can be found in almost every aspect of human life;
  • most domains produce massive amounts of series data;
  • analysis is more agile when within a software solution.

Fig. 1: Three time series represented in a line graph visualization.

  • Example domains with massive time series data sets: medical diagnosis using EEGs and ECGs, financial technical analysis, monitoring of natural phenomenons, athlete performance monitoring;
  • Analysis methodologies have to handle data entropy at storage and visual levels.
Slide 4

Introduction: Time series visualization

  • can be a very challenging task:
    • data sets commonly have high cardinality and complexity;
  • comparative visualization tasks:
    • dashboard applications like Timelion, Grafana and Freeboard;
  • most analysis applications are built as web applications.

Fig. 2: Grafana and Timelion (Kibana) dashboards displaying multiple time series charts in simultaneous.

  • In highly heterogeneous use cases, there is a need to compare data from different measurements and source devices;
  • Why web apps? Because of recent developments made to web technologies and the near-universal availability of browsers;
  • Time series alone cannot convey meaning, only allude to it.
Slide 5

Introduction: Annotation

  • realistic analysis tasks involve collaboration and knowledge-sharing between human curators;
  • annotations facilitate knowledge-building and decision-making in analysis processes.

Fig. 3: Annotation encoding in Grafana

  • Annotations allow collaborators to critique, create memory-aids, highlight patterns, and circumventing rigid records by adding meta-data that was not originally envisioned by the creators of the input data set;
  • Annotations in time series are commonly associated ONLY with segments of time, occupying the full vertical area in the chart;
  • Because of this, annotations cannot visually relate to a subset of the visible series in a chart, but rather to all of them.
Slide 6


  • data-intensive architecture and web application for collaborative time series analysis;
  • use most appropriate open-source tools for querying, storing and displaying time series and annotations;
  • distributed architecture to handle high quantities of concurrent usage:
    • E+C for annotations, users and the knowledge base;
    • E+L for series.
  • prototype tested with HVAC data set from 1000 boilers over 1.3 years.
  • The problem: current solutions do not handle realistic scenarios of analysis very well (massive data sets = too slow, unintuitive visualization);
  • Additional features include versioning, user management and authentication;
  • Focus on consistency for the ontology and availability for the series;
  • Prototype is completely domain-agnostic.
Slide 7

Proposal: Data model

  • time series has a measurement and a data source;
  • annotations have a parent type, a point or ranged segment of time, and a set of affected series;
  • projects restrict a set of collaborators to a segment of time, a set of series, and an annotation scope.

Fig. 4: Relational diagram of entities

  • Time series are uniquely identified by source-measurement pairs;
  • Annotation types enforce a common dictionary to catalog the annotations, one that is shared by all projects;
  • Annotations explicitly mapping a set of series is one of the main differentiators of our model;
  • All entities are versioned.
Slide 8

Proposal: Data management (1/2)

  • polyglot persistence model:
    • time series are stored in InfluxDB, ontology is stored in PostgreSQL;
    • central backend enforces data access logic and conceals the real location of the data.

Fig. 5: Data management approach

  • InfluxDB was the best candidate for queries and long-term storage of massive time series data sets (due to rollups that summarize data optimized by timestamp);
  • InfluxDB has a more limited data model for data that is not series, so another database was required;
  • A relational database was better a better fit for the ontology because most queries required (all or part of the) related entities;
  • PostgreSQL was the best candidate for the ontology due to its highly consistent and ACID-compliant MVCC model;
  • The central backend acts as a stateless broker.
Slide 9

Proposal: Data management (2/2)

  • overall traffic workload is distributed, but querying simultaneous data types can lead to bottlenecks;
  • links are added on each data point and propagated to the TSDBMS on ontology updates.

Fig. 6: Data management approach with ad-hoc entity links on each time series data point

  • Example of a query that could lead to a bottleneck: querying series (on InfluxDB) by their annotations, types or projects (on PostgreSQL) would require a request to PostgreSQL so that these results (which include annotation’s affected series) could be used to request InfluxDB;
  • These ad-hoc links are eventually-consistent: updating an annotation’s affected series with the annotation links takes some time (inconsistency window), so querying during that time will return obsolete results;
  • So why not place all of the data in PostgreSQL, allowing series to fetch associated annotations through joins? See “Evaluation” slide.
Slide 10

Proposal: Architecture (1/7)

Fig. 7: Platform architecture

  • User sends requests to frontend on the left (or to the REST API directly) -> eventually arrives at the relevant databases on the right;
  • Cache: remember the result of expensive queries (e.g. computing annotation’s and their types between a start and an end timestamp) to speed up the following calls.
Slide 11

Proposal: Architecture (2/7)

Fig. 8: Platform architecture highlighting a RabbitMQ queue between the backend and InfluxDB

  • InfluxDB does not have transactions with atomic writes, and overlapping update propagations can lead to data loss;
  • This is fixed with a FIFO queue (only for writes, reads are not queued) -> eventually consistent writes (they already were, but the inconsistency window is increased).
Slide 12

Proposal: Architecture (3/7)

Fig. 9: Load-balancing strategy

  • The backend is replicated;
  • Load balancer is the only entry point;
  • A load balancer cannot queue requests on its own, so it would keep redirecting requests even if all replicas are under strain;
  • The distributed queue allows requests to be queued when all backend replicas are under strain (and if more cannot be spawned on-the-fly).
Slide 13

Proposal: Architecture (4/7)

  • the backend opens processing pipelines for each request;
  • authentication:
    • auth. session tokens are JWTs with an expiration date;
  • validation stage checks for invalid contents or constraint violations.

Fig. 10: Processing pipeline for queries and insertions

For an annotation A, a parent annotation-type T, a parent project P, a measurement M, and a source-measurement pair SM that combines any source with M, the relationship constraints that must be validated are as follows:

  • P allows T, both being parents of A;
  • A is annotating SM, which P is querying;
  • A is annotating SM, hence is annotating M, which T allows;
  • A is annotating a type of time segment (point or region) that T allows.

The respective corollaries (in the case of removal operations) are:

  • P cannot revoke T if at least one of A is still of type T;
  • P cannot revoke SM if at least one of its child A is still annotating SM;
  • T cannot revoke M if at least one of its child A is still annotating SM, hence annotating M;
  • T cannot revoke a type of time segment (point or region) if at least one of its child A is set with it.
Slide 14

Proposal: Architecture (5/7)

  • updates, deletions and rollbacks are made asynchronously:
    • user receives a simulated snapshot with proposed changes;
    • validation stage ensures that the update will likely be committed;
    • caveat: unexpected errors cannot be sent to the user.

Fig. 11: Processing pipeline for updates, deletions or rollbacks

Another caveat: this opens an inconsistency window at the local level of the requesting user (between they receive the simulated snapshot and until the actual changes are committed to the database). This does NOT affect the actual system nor the other users.

Slide 15

Proposal: Architecture (6/7)

  • users make changes based on the observed data;
  • if two users update the same record at the same time -> race condition!!!;
  • optimistic-locking: last-modified dates checksum.

Fig. 12: Processing pipeline for updates, deletions or rollbacks, with an arrow pointing to the location of the two optimistic-locking checks

  • The race condition here means that the ordering of events affects the knowledge-base’s correctness;
  • The last atomically received write will overlap the previous one, and although the overlapped variant is versioned and can be recovered, the users are not properly notified of this;
  • Users must always send the local last-modified date of the edited entity on update requests;
  • If the check fails, the user is reading obsolete data and should manually refresh to merge;
  • This check should not be done solely at the backend level, as simultaneous operations could still overlap on the database;
  • Therefore, the second check occurs at the transactional level (atomic, so it’s not possible to query a “limbo” state in which the check is made and the entity is updated);
  • The first check is just to make sure we don’t waste our time doing validations if the last-modified date is already obsolete.
Slide 16

Proposal: Architecture (7/7)

  • Spring JPA provides abstraction layers for PostgreSQL queries (hot-swap)

Fig. 13: Controller to Service to Repository association

  • Separation of Concerns: one repository, one service and one controller for each of the entities in our data model;
  • Series queries use a structured object (serialized in JSON) -> query objects follow a deterministic schema that is parseable and that can be constructed using query-builder UIs.
Slide 17

Proposal: Annotations

  • snakes: arcs traced over series’ curves;
  • paint over existing points, interpolate when in-between;
  • intersection handling (nesting).

Fig. 14: Visual encoding of annotations

  • On left: annotations intersect in the same segment of time, but not over the same series;
  • On right: annotations intersect in both segment of time and series;
  • Width adjustment to keep both snakes (inner and outer) clickable.
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Slide 19

Evaluation: Time series in PostgreSQL (1/3)

  • as granularity increases, Consistency is harder to attain;
  • put all data in a single ACID-compliant RDBMS:
    • linking logic is built-in through the relational model;
    • better Consistency handling.
  • benchmark read-write performance.

Fig. 15: The two data management approaches that were tested

The end goal is to recognize either an improvement or a negligible drop: if PostgreSQL has an inconsequentially lower performance, it is still worth using it for series for the possible gains (higher system consistency).

Slide 20

Evaluation: Time series in PostgreSQL (2/3)

Fig. 16: Average CPU usage and request time observed for queries

  • Blue lines are PostgreSQL, Purple lines are InfluxDB;
  • For smaller data sets, performance differences are negligible;
  • For larger data sets, estimated time and resource usage increase exponentially.
Slide 21

Evaluation: Time series in PostgreSQL (3/3)

Fig. 17: Average request time, disk usage and RAM usage for insertions

  • InfluxDB has better data ingestion rate and data compression (more scalable);
  • however, InfluxDB uses more RAM (to store rollups).
Slide 22


  • improved collaboration workflow:
    • enhanced model for building smaller scopes of analysis;
    • better visualization for comparison of data;
    • stronger annotation readability and flexibility of expression;
    • scalable architecture that adjusts to data set size and traffic amount;
    • linearizability and strongly validated contributions;
  • the open REST API enables extensibility: more input and output modules can be added.
  • The proposed platform enables stronger collaborative framework and eases the process of knowledge discovery/acquisition;
  • Annotations occupy smaller areas of the vertical space, increasing intuitiveness and reducing visual noise;
  • With this, we have a strong foundation to build stronger collaborative frameworks in other domains;
  • Future Work: user permission granularity, multiple parent annotation types (behave like tags), database sharding, snake scrubbing to edit, bezier curves for series in line graphs, streamed transmission of query results (WebSocket).
Slide 23


The present study was developed in the scope of the Smart Green Homes Project [POCI-01-0247-FEDER-007678], a co-promotion between Bosch Termotecnologia S.A. and the University of Aveiro. It is financed by Portugal 2020 under the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program, and by the European Regional Development Fund.

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